Neuselsbrunn 22
90471 Nuremberg, GER

[email protected]

Our story

Let’s Change The Way We Manage People

Modern Businesses have to move in a fast pace. Therefore a suitable strategy with the most important asset is crucial – Human Resources.

It´s no secret that experts in the IT and Business fields are hard to find. On the other end, many highly talented people around the world  are struggling to find decent companies to work with.

Remotown has made it a personal responsibility to help both sides by bringing them together in the most beneficial way.

Who & Why Remotown?

Looking at the macro market conditions today, we realize there is a strong diversion happening alongside the digital revolution.
On one hand, companies are adapting more and more technologies into their daily business enabling them to expand more efficiently and establish themselves on new or existing markets. However, on the other hand companies find huge obstacles when scaling their workforce.

The consequential damage is expressed in various areas. For example:

  • Decreasing customer happiness
  • Inferior product or service quality
  • Little or no Research & Development
  • Unexploited market opportunities
  • Loss invaluable Know How through trivial and intransparent outsourcing

These are just a few factors. But each of these will affect the business success in the short or long term. What a shame if that happens, particularly if its unnecessary and avoidable. Indeed, there are macro-economic factors that cannot be influenced directly by individual organisation, like the shortage of skilled workers.

But what globalization has proven, is that borders are only an illusion. There might be some remaining arguments, but those are only obstacles and can be overcome very effectively – especially with a partner like us.

Remotown is the go to when talking about IT Outstaffing. We provide organisations with the best IT and business professionals
they need in order to grow – remotely and on-demand. Our experts are made available, with a focus on extending your workforce, simple and hassle free.

What does this mean for you?

Free from:
  • Extensive hiring processes
  • Overwhelming paperwork
  • Big financial commitments
  • Providing a physical workplace
  • Consequential damage through understaffing or miscasting
Say Hi to:
  • Efficient planning
  • Clear cost structures
  • Skilled and ambitous talents
  • Dynamically scaling your human resources
  • A strong partner that works in your interest

We live the CCANDIE Way


Commitment is an act and not a word. Continue being committed to what you want to achieve and you will surely achieve them.

Dare to ask

Sometimes we find it difficult to ask, but how do we know or learn if we don’t ask? So ask away because people are willing to help more than you think.


Alone we can do little but together we can do much. Indeed teamwork makes the dream work.


It takes courage to be truthful, but do it even if it makes you unpopular.


Being accountable can be difficult as it sometimes requires some courage. But this is the currency needed to attract trust and build leadership capacity.

Enjoy Yourself

Life is too short and has no place for regrets. Work is such an essential aspect of life, you better enjoy it. We enjoy working collaboratively and in harmony.

Never give up

Ever so often tasks and responsibilities may seem very hard, don’t be discouraged but see it as an avenue to grow.

A Vision with a Mission


A work environment without boundaries


To build teams of world citizens providing top IT expertise to impactful companies globally

UI Design

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Web Design

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Graphic Design

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Our Team

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Andy Newman


Alicia Keys

Marketing Director

Mike Divor


Patricia Ralph


Nick Zele


Amanda Grey

PR Management

Greg Silmer


Rossa Pelmar


Our Business is Yours.

           You deserve excellent people to work with and we will deliver nothing less.    Let´s be Successful Together